Sunday, July 4, 2010

tattoo acceptance?

just saw a page on Facebook called "Tattoo acceptance in the work place."

that's all well and good, I myself have a very visible tattoo on my arm that sticks out past even a long sleeve shirt, so I appreciate the plight. however seeing this Facebook page with 600,000 fans, and most of them bitching about how visible tattoos should be allowed in the work place raises many questions and thoughts:

1) why do you have visible tattoos and working in a place they aren't allowed?

2) if you are that concerned with a good, high paying job, then tattoos should be the least of your concerns.

3) some businesses will never allow tattoos to show, but they also will not allow you to wear a baseball cap at work either. I think you'll find most places are not judging your "body art" but just your over all presentability.

4) are there really even many businesses left that don't allow reasonable visible tattoos?

5) do you HONESTLY think, that just because YOU like your tattoos that everyone else wants to see them on your neck and hands and etc? because not everyone does. some people don't want to see your Metallica shirts or nose rings either. get over it. it was YOUR choice to present yourself that way.

and last, and maybe most important:

6) "WAH WAH WAH, I didn't get the job I wanted cause they didn't like my song bird tattoo! waaaahhhh! how dare they! I got this unique and special tattoo for my grandmother! boo hoooo. now I have to go apply to a different job."

shut up.


  1. I love tattoos, but he's right. It's your choice the way you present yourself. If you don't like the world-wide standards of business attire, then don't become a professional.

  2. i bet subway is hiring.
