everyone realizes that believing in the Big Bang Theory and Evolution is a religion right?
re-li-gion: (noun) a cause, principal, or system of beliefs held with ardor and faith.
yes, there are other definitions of the word that involve a more traditional thought and use words like "God" and such, but that is still a definition out of Webster's dictionary. And honestly even if it wasn't part of the official definition, my point remains the same.
I find it borderline hilarious that millions of people all believe in a similar notion and consider themselves with out religion. You believe that the entire universe sprang from a "singularity" (even though no one can truly explain a singularity) 13.7 billion years ago. A belief that, depending on your version, more or less pre-existing matter and energy collected itself together and exploded and created the universe and whatever. Now I could go several directions here. I could point out that there has never been a proven method of dating the age of the planet. Any method that has been developed to show the age of billions or millions of years has also been scientifically proven wrong. So the age is just a guess and hoping it's correct. I could also point out that the scientific evidence of the theory and process of the Big Bang is weak at best even in it's own science. It too is once again a theory based off I suppose the most evidence available that people chose to put stock into. And even if you come at me with a bunch of scientific "evidence" of how it's 100% accurate, which I will then just find evidence of how it's in fact NOT 100% accurate, I will just come at you with an age old fun Christian question called "well, where did that come from?" And I'll keep saying "well, where did that come from?" no matter how far back you try to explain until you run out of stories. Oooh it's fun being ignorant isn't it?
Let's also talk about how evolution itself proves it's own faults. Darwin himself said that for evolution to be accurate, it must be progressive and adapt. That's obviously not a direct quote, but it's real close and I'm real lazy. Does evolution exist on some level? Of course it does, if nothing else all species learn as they progress. Humans in the last two thousand years are 100% proof of evolution on at least some levels. But animals are doing an amazing job at proving evolution on a massive level wrong. The number of animals that have become extinct are in themselves a pretty hard hit against evolution. But you can argue that they just didn't evolve fast enough I suppose, even though I was pretty sure they've had millions of years to do so. Let's take a look at the prairie dog. When hunting for food or just out and about, the prairie dog has scouts that get a top the highest point they can to keep an eye out for predators, the "highest point" being small bushes and mounds of dirt. This is an extremely important, if not the most important, method of their survival. So why in the hell can't they climb trees?!?! They completely lack the ability to climb trees. Aside from the fact that climbing trees would give them another place of escape, it would allow them for a better vantage point for look out. So why, in millions of years of evolution, have they not developed the ability to climb trees? Squirrels, chipmunks and about a thousand similar other animals can climb trees, so why can't they? Personally I feel they've had the time to adapt... something must be wrong here. Also, why are bats still blind? Progressive adaptive evolution would suggest they would have sight by now. But I suppose that's a matter of opinion. Sonar is a pretty sweet ability, sometimes.
Ok, so, at this point most people reading this blog are probably itching with fun facts to throw at me trying prove that evolution is real, and I can't wait. I feel confident enough that there is evidence to make that evidence at least questionable. And for that matter, I am not even here to actually disprove evolution or the big bang or any of that. I am in no way even saying that you are wrong if that's what you believe. What I am saying is that there is no set in stone, 100% accurate, never been proven wrong evidence that this is how we came to be. "Science is not an exact science." Which means you are putting faith into this theory. Which means you are believing in "a cause, principal, or system of beliefs held with ardor and faith." RELIGION ALERT!!!
Let me save you some trouble and point out I don't buy every word the bible says, especially not on a literal level. It is events and stories collected by many people over many years and placed into a single book with the intent of getting many people to share a similar belief. Sounds like a history book to me. Unless of course you were there when George Washington crossed the Delaware, in which case I apologize. You weren't? It's just a story that people have retold and we're all choosing to believe is 100% historically accurate? Wow, no shit. One of my favorite phrases ever is "pre-recorded history". Hahaha, are you serious? Pre-recorded history? It hurts my brain to even say. You're telling me we are now basing our "pre-recorded history" off not even the words of someone else but just some random nick-knacks we dig up and give a story? "Oh, here's a tomb with some shiny clothes and some gold in it, he must have been a great emperor!" Or, perhaps he was a flamboyant thief with a great real estate agent? Or maybe some smart ass opened up that tomb hundreds of years ago and thought it would be hilarious to dump extra shit inside just to fuck with the idiots in the years to come. HOW CAN YOU HAVE KNOWN HISTORY IF IT WAS NEVER RECORDED?! We weren't there. Did you know that no portraits of any kings before like the 1800s are real? (I wish I could remember which king was the first, but I can't find it online at the moment). Most portraits of older kings and other leaders were in fact just of fairly random people they had stand in as a subject so the king or whom ever did not have to. But we've done a pretty good job believing that those portraits are what they looked like, or at least most people have. I won't even go into how many times we've discovered new history to prove our pre-existing "known" history wrong. You can look that stuff up yourself, but it will fry your brainards. Realistically ALL history involves faith. For all we know, the entire world got together in let's say 1640 and said "let's screw with the future" and just up and re-wrote every piece of known recorded history. They might have, we don't know. If they did, they are awesome and I want to hang out with them.
"The absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence." Oh how this beautiful phrase can be used for or against us no matter what we believe. Here's my nut in it's shell. Evolution/Big Bang, you've got some decent theories, and you've got a fair amount of evidence that can back up some of your aspects, but your own scientists have also got lots of evidence to prove themselves and you wrong. Christianity, you've got some pretty interesting historical inaccuracies going on in that bible of yours that don't help your case, but you've also got a lot of versions that have been backed up by many, many other historians even from separate cultures. Both groups have got their facts and their theories. Neither one of them can prove themselves beyond a shadow of a doubt. And this leaves us with faith. Faith that what we believe in, with all it's evidence, or lack there of, is correct. And when you've got millions of people that all put faith into something, you've got yourself a stone cold RELIGION. My suggestion would be stop denying religion, and follow the few intelligent people that have had the good sense to recognize their various forms of "non-religion" being a religion and get yourself a tasty tax exempt status. (There is actually a group of atheists that have formed a tax exempt group and hold meetings to discuss their beliefs... I smell a religion!)
At the end of the day, I don't give a shit what you believe. I don't attack anyone's beliefs unless provoked. All i've ever asked for is this same respect. You don't have to believe in God, or Jesus, or whatever your definition of religion is, and that's fine, to each their own. All I ask is that you shut the fuck up about it. Stop posting your jokes and smart ass comments about God and Jesus and all that on Spacebook or MyFace or Tweetler or whatever. If you want to rant about how you believe that you don't believe in anything, why don't you start a blog? That way we don't all have to have it thrown in our faces on a daily basis but instead offer a forum for your constructed thoughts that people can chose to read or not. Ah, but alas... you won't. Because it's not that you care if people care what you believe, just as long as you're able to continue shitting all over what other people believe. Sigh, this world is so screwed.
***I'm positive that I am going to have some ANONYMOUS posts providing evidence of why I'm wrong and all kinds of other fun stuff. Look, I didn't check a ton of facts to present in this blog. This blog is more or less an emotionally charged rant that I use to get out my exploding brain frustrations. All I can tell you is, despite my lack of professional debating, I have checked my facts. I have studied the evidence against evolution and I have studied the evidence against the Christian Bible. I KNOW ALREADY. If you are going to be an internet tough guy and post anonymous comments, all I ask is that you keep it intelligent and save the insults for some bro at the bar this weekend. Or at a minimum, and here's a crazy idea, LEAVE YOUR NAME WHEN YOU COMMENT.***
Two things, without making a direct argument to your "religion vs. not" debate. One, prairie dogs have never evolved to climb trees because they live in prairies...there AREN'T any trees. Prairie dogs that have moved off of that living environment have evolved into other species. Two, bats lost their sight in evolution. They exist in largely light-barren environments, and thus their eyes are mostly useless to them. Instead they developed sonar, which is a much more precise and effective mode of evaluating their surroundings.