Monday, July 19, 2010

I Backtraced It.

as anyone see this video of "Jessi Slaughter" aka Kerligirl13? the original has been taken down, but here is a copy of the original.

The video has gone viral in the last few days because clearly the father says some fairly ridiculous stuff. But this video is such a great example of the problems with the internet and this generation. I "backtraced" the story, and if it's real, it's really quite sad. Basically, this 11 year old girl "Jessi Slaugher" posted a video of her self mouthing off at "haters". Saying stupid shit like people only hate her cause she's perfect and all the haters should get AIDS and die and all this needless trash talk. Now, this is a problem to begin with. Why is an 11 year old girl on the internet talking like that? No matter how you slice it, THAT is the parents fault and problem, and it's sickening. Awesome way to raise your child. Let's move beyond that to the rest of the story. In response to that original video, and I would imagine a lot more shit talking from Jessi Slaughter, a bunch of people have been teasing and threatening Jessi. Apparently some people went as far to either expose or make up a rumor about how Jessi had been molested. The details are unclear and seem untrue, but I believe it was made to seem like her father molested her. Like I said, I'm not clear on the details, but either way, people were talking about how she was molested. Now whether that is true or not, that type of information can ruin someone's life, ESPECIALLY an 11 year old. Even just the teasing and threatening in general is absolutely horrible. And that is the real problem. Even if this little girl was running her mouth, which she shouldn't have, the internet and/or local community teasing her, and threatening her, and telling people she was molested is so incredibly disgusting it hurts. If she was molested, you go to the police and let them handle it. Needless to say, if it's made up, the person responsible should be brought up on criminal charges. Whether the father's reaction is funny or not (it KIND OF is) people are being completely fleeced past the fact that this little girl's life is ruined. Millions of people have now seen this video, even if she moves she will be around people that have seen it. There is no way for her to live this down, not in the near future. Other children have killed themselves over stuff like this.

Why are people just so incredibly evil? Why are these parents not keeping better watch of their 11 year old? Why are adults molesting helpless children? Even if she wasn't molested, why are people so mean that they would treat someone like this just to get back at her being a brat? And why do people find this so funny? It's a sick, sick world we live in and it makes me absolutely horrified to bring children of my own into it.

(If "Jessi Slaughter" is just a troll like some people claim she is, then she is an absolute genius)


  1. It's incredible how much crap is out there. I feel honestly sorry for this girl.

    - Ben P.

  2. Get over it. She posted topless pictures on the internet.... when you act like an asshole and post shit on 4chan for everyone to see, that's what 4chan does; It ruins or creates lives.
