Why is it when someone of religion does something questionable, it is not only viewed as so much worse, but also seems to make people look poorly on the entire religion.
The main example I can site is of course catholic priests accused of molestation and such. Now, let me make one thing perfectly clear first, I am of course in NO WAY trying to lighten the acts of individuals, all I am questioning is why it's worse when it is committed by a person of "religion." Back to the priest thing, obviously when anyone molests or rapes another person it is of course despicable in every way, but unfortunately it goes on every day and thankfully a lot of people are held accountable for their actions. But why is it worse that a priest did it? And why does it hold ANY reflection on the religion at all. Here's a FACT everyone, people of religion are STILL HUMAN just like everyone else. "Religious" people still have desires and temptations and all around poor decision making. Just because they believe in a God or god(s) does not mean they are not capable of making mistakes and should not be held any more accountable then anyone else. Remember, if these people's religion is correct, they will be held accountable by their God, no matter what religion it is. I bet with the priest situation, one argument that can be made is "well children were entrusted in the care of these priests and they are suppose to be holy men." Well to that I say two things. One, again why is it any worse just because they have attempted to follow a "holy" path and failed? And two, children are also entrusted with teachers, parents, friends, coaches, relatives, etc etc and those people are capable of the same horrible acts AND commit them just as often. One is no better or worse than the other.
Honestly, I feel ridiculous making a case in any kind of defense for the priest/rape situation because it makes me sick to my stomach, but please keep in mind I am only using it as an example. Ultimately it stretches out to anything. Cheating, stealing, violence, even lying, whatever... someone being accused of something should never include the phrase "and he was a Christian too." Of course feel free to replace the word "christian" with any other form of religion, I just use christian as an example because I see it the most, for whatever reason people really love to shit all over christians, but that subject is for another time. (OMG I'm a Christian and I said SHIT, how could I?!)
As mentioned before I also don't understand why a person of religion doing something wrong effects the outlook of their whole religion? A muslim terrorist does not mean all muslims are terrorists. A catholic rapist does not mean all catholics, nor does it mean all christians in general, are rapists. A sketchy lawyer that happens to be jewish does not give someone the right to further a "cheap" stereo type. It's literally all the same bull shit. It is ignorance and it is based on nothing but fear and a lack of intelligence.
Most religions at some point have done something on a large scale to make their entire religion look bad. But just because one, or a hundred, or a hundred thousand, or a million people of a religion do something wrong, it does not mean that the MILLIONS of other people in that religion are the same way. Humans are humans, they are ALL capable of doing horrible things. Some humans can behave, some humans can't, but what religion they are apart of is irrelevant. It's not religion that kills, it is MAN that kills. Man acts on their beliefs. Whether it be the greed of money, or the rights of animals, or the lust of sexual desire, or the need to take what is not yours, whether it be spreading the word of your God or destroying the word of someone else's, man will believe what he believes on an individual basis. What he choses to do with his beliefs and his knowledge is of his own accord and should not be held against anyone else.
No religion's holy book or teachings are encouraging people to do the awful things they do. It just so happens that some people decide to follow a religion and no matter how hard they try to live that life, a lot of them still fall short.
if you're going to start an argument with me on this topic, at least have the balls to leave your real name.
ReplyDeleteI think the sense of outrage or higher shock that occurs in these situations comes from the point that these priests (just as an example) are held as a figurehead of a religion. If someone who has devoted their life to following a certain code of conduct or ethics does something so wrong it is more shocking than if it were someone who has not vowed to live in such a fashion. I agree with you on the subject of why some people are unable to separate the link between one person committing a horrible act and others of the same religion. Granted in some cases the act is done in part because of what the person believed to be a religious reason, but for the most part not all people of one religion can be so pigeon holed and generalized. I suppose it goes back to the whole idea that people tend to want to make sense of what they don't understand. So when something awful happens and religion is so highlighted in the story perhaps as a way to make sense of it all these generalizations come about. Regardless it's unfortunate.
ReplyDeleteIt is much too easy to associate a person who has some kind of authority in a religion with the religion itself. I agree that priests are humans, therefore they sin too. But I think, especially to those who are not as open to the idea that everyone sins, priests are often held to a higher standard than the rest of us. Especially to those who are unchurched, priests are expected to do right by God always. I don't feel this way, but I think many do. Then, the thought process must become that he is a man of Catholicism... what are they teaching that could lead to this? It is an ignorant thought process, but it is what it is.
ReplyDeleteIt is despicable that anyone would abuse the authority they have over children to commit these acts. But you're right. Many people who are entrusted with our children, like teachers, have done similar acts. It is rare that the entire school is looked down upon when a teacher from that school has a relationship with a child. I see where you are going with it. I definitely can see both sides.
I find it interesting that you didn't comment on Muslims and 9/11 or terrorism. It is very much the same sort of thing. People expect that all Muslims are terrorists. This is not true, of course. Most Muslims preach peace and "love your neighbors" just like Christians do. This is definitely where I expected you to do with this post. Maybe it is something you will comment on another time.
I did briefly mention the Muslim stereotype...
ReplyDelete"As mentioned before I also don't understand why a person of religion doing something wrong effects the outlook of their whole religion? A muslim terrorist does not mean all muslims are terrorists. A catholic rapist does not mean all catholics, nor does it mean all christians in general, are rapists. A sketchy lawyer that happens to be jewish does not give someone the right to further a "cheap" stereo type."
it wasn't the basis of the blog because my inspiration to write this came from someone, once again, tearing into Christians.