Sunday, July 4, 2010

Drake: Forget Me Later

I'm about three weeks away from being completely sick of hearing about Drake. The dude is so unbelievably over rated it gives me a head ache. His album may be done well and I don't doubt that it's very catchy and fun to listen to, especially by today's bullshit music standards. As I'm typing, I do also realize that being catchy and fun to listen to I guess is really all that matters in being a successful artist anymore, but that's beside the point of my ranting. What annoys me is how huge he is with very little actual musical talent. His lyrics are garbage, his rap flow is that of a retard, and if you ever heard his singing with out auto-tune on you would throw up. I will also admit that I do at least admire his interest in bettering his ability, I know he actively takes voice lessons which is cool. Perhaps he will grow into a respectable artist, but the skill to success ratio is WAY off. He is currently no different from Ke$ha in my eyes. If his next album proves me wrong I will be the first to admit his improvement, but for now he is just more proof of the downfall of music. Marketing = money. Musical ability = good luck with your local shows.

I am very interested in seeing what happens to Drake in the next couple years. He has no choice but to release a mind blowing sophomore album or he is screwed. When you get as big as he is as fast as he is you are 10 times more likely to never be heard from again in the near future. For the most part, only the artists who have truly climbed their way to the the top are the ones that have a long lasting career. History has proven that time and time again. Drake certainly seems to be a hard worker for what he wants, so time will tell.


  1. "his rap flow is that of a retard"

    Really Aaron? I'm not sure what someone with a mental disability might sound like rapping, but don't assume someone can't do something well because of a disability.

    If that was your attempt at calling Drake's flow stupid or terrible, all it did was make you come across ignorant. Congrats.

  2. this blog is a place for me to rant at an extreme, unapologetic level. the word "retard" may not be PC, but I was just using it to make a point, just like when people say "don't be a homo" (or other gay related insults), it doesn't mean they are assuming the person they called a homo literally likes other people of the same sex, it's just a term people throw around, be it appropriate or not. when I was typing this blog out I actually stopped when I typed "retard" and considered replacing it with a different word because I knew someone would take offense to it. but, as you can see, I very purposely left it in.

    thanks for stopping by Anonymous.
