I'm not saying the right wing radicals aren't taking this whole Park51 thing too far, the degree of ignorance is bordering on impressive. But what I'm truly amazed at is what a big deal this is. We're once again at a stand still between two religions. It's really the same old song and dance it's been for centuries, only this time it's over a basketball court. I honestly don't agree with either side. The muslims should have the right to build, yes, however, is it really worth all of this commotion? The maniacs that are opposing this so heavily are in no way in the right, but what are you proving by beating this into the ground? Just go down the street or make it a building of multi-practicing faiths or anything. And you far right wingers, maybe that's not your first choice of where this thing could be built, but what do you ACTUALLY care? Once it goes up, what difference does it really make to you? I think both sides of this have got their heads so far up their asses that they're coming back out of their necks and smiling. Everyone needs to get over themselves, big time.
Here's a short list of things everyone could better put their energy into:
- world hunger
- alternative fuel
- human trafficking
- species extinction
- drastic climate changes
- water crisis
- economic collapse
- small/large scale pollution
- oil clean up in the Gulf
- the desensitizing of our youth through media
...feel free to jump in here anytime.
If people seriously used half the time they spend bitching about this kind of global high school drama, we could maybe save some lives and make this world a better place to live in. Yes, I know that religious rights are important to a lot of people, and when stuff like this escalates it turns into wars and fighting and etc, but that's just my point! Just chill out with having to be right around every corner. I'm surprised and not surprised at all at the same time that this conflict has lasted more than a day. I feel like our planet is in enough crisis right now that people shouldn't even have time to notice that this kind of thing is going on, and yet it floods our media outlets like shark week on crack. Do you think the people that live through daily hell in crisis Africa give two shits about whether or not this building goes up? I know everyone has their own level of priorities, I usually tend to take religious topics very serious. I just think there's a certain point where it becomes no different then two children fighting over a toy and once it's over both sides are going to say "well that was certainly a waste of time and energy."
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